Toro Park Animal Hospital

Veterinary Pain Management in Salinas, CA

As pet owners, we never want to see our furry friends in pain. Whether it's from an injury, illness, or old age, pain can greatly affect an animal's quality of life. That's why it's important to understand the different types of pain and the treatment options available, and our Salinas, CA veterinary team is here to help!

Pain Management

Veterinary pain management is the practice of identifying and treating pain in animals. This can include both acute and chronic pain, as well as pain caused by surgery or other medical procedures. Pain management is an important aspect of veterinary care, as it can greatly improve an animal's overall well-being and quality of life.

Acute Pain vs Chronic Pain In Pets

Toro Park Animal Hospital - Pet Pain Management
  • Acute pain is short-term pain that is usually caused by an injury or illness. It typically lasts for a short period of time and can be easily identified by the animal's behavior.
  • Chronic pain is long-term pain that can last for weeks, months, or even years. It is often caused by conditions such as arthritis or cancer and can greatly affect an animal's daily life.

Acute Pain Symptoms In Pets

Acute pain symptoms in animals can vary depending on the cause and severity of the pain. Some common symptoms include:

  • Limping
  • Whining or crying
  • Decreased appetite
  • Changes in behavior

It's important to pay attention to any changes in your pet's behavior, as these can be signs of acute pain.

Acute Pain Treatment Options for Pets

  • Medications
  • Local anesthetics: These numb specific areas to alleviate post-surgical or procedural discomfort.
  • Physical therapy: Recommended in some cases to enhance mobility and diminish pain in animals.

Chronic Pain Symptoms In Pets

Chronic pain symptoms can also vary depending on the underlying condition. Some common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty moving
  • Decreased activity
  • Changes in appetite
  • Irritability

It's important to note that animals may not always show obvious signs of chronic pain, so it's important to regularly monitor their behavior and consult with our veterinary team if you suspect they may be in pain.

Chronic Pain Treatment Options for Pets 

  • Medications
  • Supplements: Using supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin can enhance joint health, alleviating arthritis pain in pets.
  • Physical therapy: Exercises improve mobility and ease discomfort.
  • Solensia: Monthly injectable for cats suffering from osteoarthritis pain.
  • Librela: Monthly injectable for dogs suffering from osteoarthritis pain.
  • Laser Therapy: Non-invasive treatment using light energy to reduce inflammation and pain, beneficial for arthritis and safe for all pets.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the body's natural healing processes and aids in pets dealing with chronic pain. 

    Tips For Managing Pet Pain At Home

    1. Monitor Your Pet's Behavior - As mentioned earlier, changes in behavior can be a sign that your pet is in pain. It's important to monitor your pet's behavior and look for any changes that may indicate pain. If you notice any changes in your pet's behavior, consult with our veterinary team to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.
    2. Keep Your Pet's Environment Safe - Pets in pain may have difficulty navigating their environment, so it's important to make sure their surroundings are safe and free of hazards. This can include removing any objects that your pet may trip over or fall on, securing rugs or carpets to prevent slipping, and keeping your pet away from stairs or other areas that may be difficult for them to navigate.
    3. Provide a Balanced Diet - A balanced diet is crucial for your pet's overall wellness, including pain management. Make sure your pet is getting the proper nutrients they need to support their joints and muscles. Consult with our veterinarians for recommendations on the best diet for your pet's specific needs.
    4. Keep Your Pet Active - While it may seem counterintuitive, keeping your pet active can help manage their pain. Low-impact activities, such as swimming or walking, can help improve your pet's mobility and reduce pain. Consult with your veterinarian for recommendations on appropriate activities for your pet's condition.

    Join the Toro Park Animal Hospital Family Today!

    Phone: 831-484-9744

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